Northbound By Foot

An Appalachian Thru Hike

Archive for May, 2010

5-30-10 Ramming Speed

After a seven mile day and some vine swinging we made it back to the NOC. What a great hike. And what made it better was a dragon burger with some micro brews. Half pound burger with pepper Jack cheese and jalapenos. Mmmmmm.

After rocking the food down we hit up the white water rafting. Since we had 8 people I had to guide our boat which was awesome cause we got to do whatever we wanted. We hit a lot of rapids backwards. Oh yeah. I think everyone thought our boat was crazy cause I would yell “everyone paddle” and then they would repeat as loud as possible. Good times.

We just set up camp and now it’s time for more food. Man I love food.

5-29-10 Mac N Cheese

It is the last night on the trail so I figured I’d eat most of my food. Mac N Cheese with some bag o chicken and then all stuffed in a pita. Oh yea.

Well, it’s 845, still light out and everyone is laying down for the night. Were staying in the Sassafras shelter because there’s no one here and it sucks for tenting. Someone remind me to get a hammock.

We will be walking up early to hike the last 7 miles to the NOC for some white water rafting. Oh and that hiker burger with bacon and fixins is calling my name. Throw in a couple beers and tomorrow should be a great day.

5-29-10 Laying In the Clouds

Man that was a climb. 1300 feet straight up. Derek and I took off and powered through the climb. The views are well worth it though. We lost the shirt and the shoes and then layed in the grass.

I could spend some time just laying here. Well without the flys would be better, but I can’t blame them since I probably smell pretty good. Mmmmm. Enjoy the pics.

5-29-10 Grubbin’ Out

It has been beautiful weather today. We are sitting on an overlook right now eating lunch. A whole wheat pita, peanut butter spread with my finger and covered in some dried fruit. It’s actually better then you’d think. Oh yeah and I wash most things down with some beef jerky. You know it.

Heading out now for a 1500 foot climb up the highest point. The weather will probably move in by then and we may get hail. Bring it on.

5-28-10 Walking In Liquid Sunshine

We woke up with the rain hitting the shelter roof. Man there were some quality snorers last night. By the time we hit the trail the sun came out and it was georgous. Worked up a sweat and it was a good thing it started raining after lunch cause I was pretty hot and sweaty. We hiked some pretty steep climbs in the rain and made it up to a 3800 foot vista that made up for all the muddy trails. There’s something about standing on the edge of a mountain, looking up and letting the rain hit your face. It’s these moments that make you realize that something good can come out of every situation.

On our way into the shelter there was a delicious looking wild turkey that would have gone great with some mashed taters. Too bad he was too fast. Speaking of wild turkey, we polished off my flask of whiskey around the fire with some guys from Michigan. There is going to be some good sleep tonight.

Hitting the sack while laying in my tent on a huge incline. Hopefully I won’t end up scrunched up at the bottom of my tent. Probably will…

5-28-10 Bfast of Champions

Just eating some oatmeal and going to head out for the hike. It’s looking like were going to get some quality rain today. Woohoo. Bring it on.

5-27-10 Crazy Night at Fontana Shelter

So after a 15 hour drive and multiple trips from the NOC to the Fontana shelter we finally sat down and drank some beers. Good company was already here when we arrived. We sat by the fire for a bit with four thru hikers and talked some trash.

It’s funny how it’s the first night and when I start to make dinner here comes the rain. Didn’t get much break fom bad luck today, but it’s all in the experience. Grubbed out on some to mate o pasta with chicken and then played some cards while the rain came down. It’s a good thing this shelter holds 24 cause there’s got to be like close to 20 of us in it right.

I have top bunk with salommy Sam. Don’t ask. Well it’s sleep time for me before the start of the hike. Looking like great times.

5-25-10 Getting ready for NC section hike

We’ll be leaving this thursday on a 4 day section hike of the AT in North Carolina. We will be setting out from Fontana Dam, then will stop at or around Cody Gap the first night. The next day we will hike to Cheoah Bald to take in the great views and possibly camp on the Bald depending on sites and the wind.

The next day should provide a short hike back to the NOC for a half day of white water rafting. Get the adrenaline pumping baby. Another night of camping and then a long drive home. Should be a blast so check back for updates.
