Northbound By Foot

An Appalachian Thru Hike

Archive for July, 2011

7-29-11 Sanity

Kinsman Notch to Franconia Notch: 17 miles

It’s tough hiking out when you know it’s going to be crappy weather. The good news is that we supposedly had until 4:00 before the weather got nasty. This was one of the toughest hiking days we have had in a while. I know bold statement, but it was a good one. We crawled up a 2,000 foot near vertical climb that left us unsatisfied with zero visibility. Oh well.

With the crappy weather moving in we got to talking about this and that. Sanity came up in the conversation and Smooth had mentioned that his friend asked him how many times he has lost his mind on the trail. My only comment was that I only lost it once. I just haven’t found it yet. There is no way that you can stay sane out here. It actually makes it easier to walk everyday if you can act a little crazy and laugh at things that are not even remotely humorous. I bet you didn’t think that butterflies were funny. They are.

Anyways, we hit one of the white mountain huts at the end of the day and this places are pretty great. We are definitely going to have to stay at one or two at some point. Thru hikers can perform a work for stay so we will shoot for this tomorrow. Crappy day, but I’m warm and dry now. Like always I’m Loving Life.


7-28-11 The Moose is Loose

Glencliff, NH to Lincoln, NH: 9.5 miles

So it may sound like a short day, but it was a doozie. We woke up and climbed 3,800 feet in 4 miles. This got the blood flowing and by the time we reached the summit we were ready for the views. Mt Mousilauke surely delivered with endless views of the past and future. What a great day.

Now, the descent was a bit more precarious. Hiking down to Lincoln took us pretty much straight down a waterfall. If it wasn’t for the reebar and wooden steps we surely would have slid down on our rumps. Here’s an idea of what it looked like.


This is why we hike though. Yeah, we may have to put in 2,000 mundane miles, but you get those 180 miles of true beauty that take your breath away. Live it up. Loving Life.

I thought this was a cool pic. Were crazy about ounces and I thought it was funny that they are proud to be a pound and change. Not cool.


7-27-11 Man Or Beast

Base of Smarts Mt to Glenfield, NH: 24 miles

We often get crazy ideas that bring big miles. Whether it is getting to town early, dodging weather or chasing trail magic, we always find something. Today was no different. The plan was originally to do shorter days as we were about to enter the white mountains. Then I looked at the weather and saw that it was supposed to storm on Friday when we were to climb over Mt Moosilauke. The weather on top is supposed to be comparable to Mt Washington. Needless to say we kicked it into high gear and knocked out 24 miles over a few tough climbs and it took us about 11 hours.

Every time we take on another challenge out here it makes me realize that you truly can do anything. It makes you feel invincible. And then I realized that I was just a man as I was starving and low on food. I got really, really hungry today. Next time you see me throw me some food and a beer. I’ll be your best friend for life.

Well, there is a giant black wall called Mt Moosilauke standing tall just to the north so I better get some rest. Until tomorrow. Loving Life.


7-26-11 Storms A Brewin’

Hanover, NH to Smarts Mt: 18 miles

It was hard waking up in the dark dungeon. When the sun isn’t rising and waking you at 5:30 it’s much easier to sleep in. And so we did. We also made sure that we stopped by the bookstore and got our free cup of joe followed by a free bagel at a breakfast shop. Needless to say we didn’t get on the trail till after 10:00. It was just in time for the clouds and storms to roll in.

We spent the rest of the day running from lightening and hoping the rain would hold off. We didn’t get soaked, but it also wasn’t a very nice day for hiking. By 5:00 we had our miles in and made it to the ice cream man’s house were we got a free soda and ice cream sandwich. Mmmm. For the last couple days it has been me, Derek, Smooth and Big Bad Tom hiking together. Tonight is no different as we all claimed a mountain-side campsite. Tom is an older gentleman who is actually pretty quick on his feet. He just goes by Tom but we call him Big Bad Tom for fun. We have to amuse ourselves somehow. Hoping for nicer weather tomorrow. Here we come white mountains! Loving Life.

Free Radical and Big Bad Tom.


7-25-11 Live Free or Die

9 miles to Hanover, NH

We took the majority of the day off today so I am taking a day off from posting as well. Well, kind of I guess. Crappy weather rolled in and we made it a movie day in the beautiful town of Hanover. Sleeping in the basement of a frat house. It’s all about the experiences! Live it up. Loving Life.

7-24-11 Giant Mallows

Stony Brook Shelter to West Hartford: 27 miles

This is going to be a quick post because I am tired and exhausted from a long day. Our plan was to do 21 miles to the thistle hill shelter, but then we got the crazy idea of pushing to a town 6 more miles down the trail. We had heard that you can camp in the backyard of someone’s house so we pushed on. We got here just as the darkness rolled in.

For a quick laugh, I thought I had a rock in my shoe so I walked a few miles and then got frustrated enough to stop and take off my shoe. I shook the shoe out, but didn’t see a rock. Put the shoe back on. Still felt the rock. Shoe came back off and I checked under the sole. No rock so I checked in my sock. Nothing. Put the shoe back on and still felt the rock. Now I’m annoyed so I took it back off, looked at my foot and realized it was a blister. I wish it was a rock…

Here’s a pic of me eating a giant marshmallow and Loving Life.


7-23-11 Guinness For Strength?

Cooper Lodge to Stony Brook Shelter: 16 miles

Contrary to popular belief, Guinness does not actually give you strength. We found this out the hard way. Eight quick miles in the morning brought us to Rutland, VT where we resupplied and then spent a few hours in an Irish pub at an Inn on the trail. We were only planning on doing 8 more miles so there should be no problem gorging on Irish pub eats and Guinness. And then we left in the heat of the day…

It sure didn’t help that we soon hit one of our longest climbs yet. I was expecting the Guinness to catapult me up the hill, but it was not working. Luckily I had my iPhone stocked with upbeat Irish rock and before I knew it I was singing and clapping up the hill. I think Smooth may now think I’m crazy, but that’s nothing that you all didn’t think anyways so it’s all good.

To follow through with this crazy day I decided to hop into a stream fully clothed in order to cool off and clean the sweat out of my rad threads! It’s too bad that I will probably have soaking wet clothes to put on tomorrow. Oh well for now I am cleanish and Loving Life.


7-22-11 500 Miles

Greenwall Shelter to Cooper Lodge Shelter: 18 miles


Wheeew, that was a sweaty night. The morning did not offer any reprieve either. By 9:00 am I was already pouring sweat and decided it was going to be a shirtless hiking day. We heard there was a restaurant at a road crossing, so we decided to hit it up for lunch. Me, Free Radical and Smooth headed down there and grabbed some grub and beers. It was nice to cool off for a bit on one of the hottest hiking days.

After lunch we hit a number of steep climbs before the 500 mile mark to Katahdin. It’s crazy to think how far we’ve come. To celebrate a trail angle left a cooler with sodas, so we guzzled two down. Now that you hit the 500 mile mark it was time to climb Killington Mt and boy was this a climb. Were talking 2,500 feet over 7 miles and it got quite steep at times. This was a rewarding one as the summit provided some amazing views. There are some big mountains in the distance. Let’s climb them! Loving Life.


7-21-11 Bear Sweats

Manchester Center to Greenwall Shelter: 25 miles

We really did plan on only doing 17 miles. It’s funny how the day can evolve. We left town and immediately climbed to the top of a ski resort. It was pretty cool being up there in the summer and sitting on the chairlift. It made me really want to go snowboarding though. After I got my ski fix in we went up and over a few other peaks followed by some bushwhacking to get around an overflowing pond.

Before we knew it we were at the shelter we had planned to stay at, but 3:30 is all too early to stop for the day. Today we hiked with Smooth since we were all going about the same pace. I imagine we will hike with him for most of the rest of the AT. Later we came up on a mountain lake and since I was incredibly sweaty it was time for a dip. It seemed like a good place to cook dinner so we fired up the stoves and made some not so delicious meals. At this point it was getting late so we decided to stop at the first campsite we could find. Well, we didn’t find any and ended walking till sundown when we reached the shelter. I was pouring sweat and still am as I lay here in my hammock. At least I snapped a pretty cool pic before we hit the shelter. Check it out. Loving Life.


7-20-11 Green Mountain House

Stratton Mt to Manchester Center: 17 miles

We decided to hike with our headphones on today which made the hike go quicker or mo fast for my gangsta followers. However, it didn’t help the mud dissipate in any way. I really believe there should be a troll standing at the Vermont state line with a garden hose. As you pass he would be spraying down the trail and laughing. I’m still not entirely sure where all this mud came from seeing as there hasn’t been much rain. Besides this Vermont has some pretty nice hiking trails.

We made it to Manchester before 2:00 pm and were ready for some beers and food. After that We grabbed some supplies and headed to the green mountain hostel. This is by far the best $20 spent on the trail. It is a house just for hikers and you get a bed, shower, laundry, kitchen and a free pint of Ben & Jerrys ice cream. Dinner was throughly enjoyed in front of the tv while we relaxed and watched a few movies. Tomorrow it’s back on the trail.

As for our names, we just decided we wanted new ones. I am leak because I constantly have to relieve myself. Derek is free radical because he does what he wants so there. Not a whole lot of story. It is what it is. Loving Life.

Here’s the troll. Ha you can find anything on the Internet.
