Northbound By Foot

An Appalachian Thru Hike

5-21-11 Mountain Dew

Symms Meadow to Warspur Shelter: 20 miles

Mountain Dew is quite possibly my favorite soft drink, but this does not mean I want to be covered in it. I awoke to the rising sun peaking over the mountain from afar. As I reached out of my sleeping bag to check the time I noticed that everything was wet including me. There was a good layer of cold wet dew on top of my sleeping bag which had begun to soak through. This explains why I was getting colder as the night progressed. Oh well. I packed everything up as the sun was rising and then paused for a moment to capture the view. Off to the right the warm sun was peaking over the towering mountain top. Ahead of me I could see the trail cut through the meadow and disappear into the trees. And then on the left the mountains in the distance were poking through the low laying clouds. What a morning vista!

Unfortunately, the rest of the day was spent with endless ups and downs with a few hours of rock fields mixed in. Walking in these rocky sections is never too much fun as they roll your ankles and throw jagged points into the most valued part of your body. I think of the rock fields as mine fields. You never know which rock may be loose and will ultimately send you hurling to the ground. Either way the sun was shinning and that makes for a great day of hiking.

We got the the shelter with time to spare so we hung everything out to dry and relaxed in the hammocks for a bit. After some Mac-n-Cheese and a snickers it’s time to call it an early night as I am beat. May have some rain tomorrow but for now the skies are clear. Loving Life.

1 Comment»

  Kaptin James Cook wrote @

Ooooooo Mountain Dew….I get it!!

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